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Google Sheets Sync for ZOHO extension

Need to integrate Zoho CRM with Google Sheets? Send your leads, contacts or any other information to Zoho CRM with a few clicks! The extension works with user-selected modules of Zoho CRM.

Google Sheets integration with Zoho CRM

Setting up an extension

1.Install the extension. Specify the access token Zoho CRM .
2.Create and add a service account Google Sheets
3. Add a link to Google Tables
4. Synchronize leads from Google Sheets with Zoho CRM.


- Matches all customizable fields in Google Tables.
- Supports campaign synchronization
- Supports scheduled synchronization
- Synchronizes up to a hundred leads per request API

How to synchronize data from Google Sheets to CRM:
  1. Specify token- https://accounts.zoho.com/apiauthtoken/create?SCOPE=ZohoCRM%2Fcrmapi&DISPLAY_NAME=googlesheets.
  2. Create a service account Google and upload it to the extension settings:
- Create a new project.
- Click Enable API. Locate and enable API Google Disk.
- Create credentials for the web server to access the application data.
- Name the service account and assign it the Project Editor role.
- Load JSON
Quick video instructions - https://s3.amazonaws.com/com.twilio.prod.twilio -docs/original_images/ google-developer-console .gif
3. Upload JSON in Settings, Google Sheets Service Account field.
4. To begin downloading, go to the Goggle Sheets link (Note! Open access to Google Sheet - anyone with the link can access it), then click Next.
5. Select the name of the sheet.
6. Select the name of the module into which the data will be loaded.
7. Match the import fields of table Google with the data in Zoho CRM.
8. Select the Download Now or Add to Job Scheduler option to download schedule data.
9. Save the settings. All data will be saved in the selected module

Google Sheets Sync for ZOHO FAQ

How can I obtain ZOHO API Token?
Open https://accounts.zoho.com and make sure you are logged in. Follow the instructions: https://www.zoho.com/accounts/protocol/oauth.html

Feel free to contact us email[email protected]